200 - OK

Request completed successfully. Response body is XML (Content-Type: application/xml) or JSON (Content-type: application/json). Read (GET) requests return content in a readResponse document XML element or JSON object. Empty readResponse document or JSON object is returned if the no rows match criteria. Write (POST, PUT, DELETE) requests return results in a writeResponse document element or JSON object. The response indicates the number of rows affected by the write operation.

4xx - Invalid Requests

400 - Bad Request

Request parameters are invalid. The response body is plain text (Content-Type: text/plain) and will indicate the problem. Examples: query parameters indicate invalid column labels, limit provided without offset, trigger is blocking request for some domain rule violation.

401 - Unauthorized (Not authenticated)

The request requires user authentication. Credentials are provided in the WWW-Authenticate header using the HTTP Basic or Digest Authentication scheme. If the user name/password are provided correctly, then 401 also indicates invalid credentials.

403 - Forbidden (Authenticated but not authorized)

The user does not have sufficient privileges to complete the request. The user's granted role(s) is not enabled for the request type on the SQL Resource.

404 - Not Found

SQL Resource does not exist.

405 - Method Not Allowed

Request content type and method are invalid.

500 - Internal Server Error

Generally an SQL error. Examples: the SQL Resource definition query is invalid, the request parameters created an invalid SQL statement, the request violated a database constraint.

More References

Also see the official IETF HTTP 1.1 Status Code Definitions.